Saturday, January 12, 2013

The week in preview and "Is that nutella on freshly baked banana bread?". Oh yes it is!

After that zucchini bread last week, I have been looking forward to my bananas getting all black and speckled.  And right on cue this morning they looked perfect.

I used Cooks Illustrated "The Best Banana Bread".  They also have an "Ultimate Banana Bread", but I was in the mood for The Best.  Actually the Ultimate variety requires somehow juicing the bananas and boiling it down to get extra banana flavor.  There is a sieve involved.  No time for such things, so The Best it is!

The Best Banana Bread

Combine 2 cups flour, 3/4 cup sugar, 3/4 t baking soda, 1/2 t salt, and 1 cup chopped toasted nuts (if desired).

In another bowl combine three mashed overripe bananas, 1/4 cup plain yogurt, 6 T melted and cooled butter, 2 large lightly beaten eggs, and 1/2 t vanilla.

Gently combine the two.  Bake in a buttered and floured bread pan at 350 for about 55 minutes.

Cooks Illustrated and Cooks Country online are my go to source for tried and true recipes.  They review them over and over until they figure out the perfect way to make scrambled eggs or chocolate souffle or whatever.  I am a sucker for that type of hype.

The week in preview

Saturday night football:  And so we are going to try Connie's Pizza from the grocery store.  I never even noticed it before, but a friend said it was their family favorite.  It does say "Natural!" on the packaging and there is a great photo, so it must be good!  I judge pizza just like I judge wine, by the label.  Big salad on the side.
Sunday: Asian noodle bowl with chicken and broccoli.  I'll make extra chicken for Monday night too.
Monday: ABC Chicken Noodle Soup with pesto and lemon.  Ruby's favorite.
Tuesday: Chile with Chi Chi Corn Cake.  Yes!  You can still have Chi Chi Corn Cake!  There is a mix in the grocery store that comes out quite like the original.  You just mix in a can of creamed corn and well quite a lot of butter.
Wednesday: Chile left overs.  I usually like the second night of chile even better anyway!
Thursday: Another Cooks Illustrated recipe... this time Ricotta Calzone.  I simplify it a little by using the pre-made pizza dough at Festival.  No shame in that.
Friday:  Fish night.  I found an interesting Halibut with Pea Puree and Lemon Brodetto.  Not that I have any idea what Brodetto is, but we'll find out!

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