Thursday, January 3, 2013

The bi-weekly menu and "superb" Cobb salad (per my husband)

As I mentioned, the Fridge Saga continues.  Now turns out that my favorite won't fit.  Not without significant remodel...right.  So still searching.  But, I am lucky to have a loaner fridge from the appliance store.  It is as you might picture a "loaner fridge".  Not exactly pleasing to the eye let's say.  But it is cold and I don't have to go to the garage or patio door over and over.

So here is my bi-weekly menu.

Tuesday and left over Wednesday:  Pancetta, White Bean, and Chard Pot Pie.  This is via Smitten Kitchen.  My new discovery.  Although not necessarily a secret...I believe she has even been on Oprah.  Here is the recipe Smitten Kitchen Swiss Chard pot pie.  And my own photo.  I don't have the physical or emotional capabilities to make my own crust.  But I have discovered the joy of frozen puff pastry!  I think I'll make more pot pies.

Pot pie me ASAP.

Thursday:  Cobb Salad!  I have had a craving for Cobb Salad for weeks.  I love the strong blue cheese, cool tomato, creamy avocado combo.  Line up some chopped up chicken breasts, hard boiled eggs, and bacon= a nice meal.  Pile it all on top of lightly dressed romaine (I used a vinaigrette from the store) voila.  The chopping time is significant, but if you can spread it out over the day.  A little tomato chopping here, lettuce there, hard boil eggs during nap time etc...

Friday:  Seared mustard glazed salmon with smashed mini-potatoes and broccoli.  I usually like salmon on the grill, we'll go for the stovetop this time though!

1 comment:

  1. My friend Jane was moved to share a fantastic work night recipe with us! Can't wait to get it on the menu:)

    Chicken & cheese quesadillas - I made 4 little ones, so adjust accordingly…

    1 lb cooked chicken - diced or shredded (I diced)
    2 tsp Lime juice
    ¼ tsp ground cumin
    ¼ tsp salt
    8 6-inch tortillas
    Black bean dip (but if you can’t find that - refried beans would work)
    Shredded cheddar cheese

    In a small bowl, combine chicken, lime juice, cumin & salt

    Place 4 tortillas on a flat surface and spread each of them with bean dip. Top with chicken & sprinkle cheese.

    I cooked ours in my griddler/Panini press, but you could do them in a non-stick skillet too.

    Serve w/ sour cream & salsa. YUM!
