Saturday, January 5, 2013

The week in preview and how frozen zucchini bread made my day.

The week in preview

I don't really like the slow cooker.  I want to like the slow cooker.  It sounds like a great deal.  
Set it and forget it!  Start it in the morning and have dinner ready when you get home!  
BUT, it is usually mono-tasting mush.  UNTIL, I discovered brisket.  I am not talking the corned variety, although that works well too.  I am talking the regular old brisket.  I am excited to try it again, and use it in left overs....

Sunday: Tangy slow cooker brisket with baked potato and green beans.  Recipe to come once I test it out!
Monday: Tangy slow cooker brisket over egg noodles and carrots
Tuesday:  Another work day, so it has to be fast... pesto pasta with feta sprinkled on top.  We'll have salad and maybe a baguette too.
Wednesday:  Breakfast for dinner sounds like a treat.  Egg sandwiches with fruit.  I will may use a bit of  pancetta instead of bacon- cooks fast without a lot of grease or smelling up the whole house.
Thursday:  Pork chop with risotto of some sort... to be determined depending on what is in the fridge... if I have a fridge...
Friday:  Chicken piccata with asparagus and that left over TBD risotto

How frozen zucchini bread made my day

A friend was here for breakfast today (I mean you Bill).  He and Dave are headed to the Packer playoff game.  So I really wanted something special for breakfast.  Wracking my brain I remembered that when I was drowning in zucchini last summer I put a loaf or two in the deep freeze.  Not sure how it would be after six months I approached the freezer with trepidation.  After thawing over night, toasting, and a bit of butter...

It very quickly disappeared.  A nice reminder that the work of making it was well worth it.  Now I can't wait for that first CSA delivery!

Served with a bit of fruit, it was perfect.

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