Monday, July 22, 2013

Watermelon Arugula Salad with Peanut Butter Pie for dessert

I have to start with the Peanut Butter Pie.  This is some good stuff.  It has some similarities to my frozen mocha cheesecake.  Oreo crust and cold, smooth, rich filling.  If possible this pie is even easier to make though.  Bonus points there.  I found the recipe just about a week ago and have made it twice already.  If you like peanut butter and chocolate, you will be hooked.  Just like me.

Peanut Butter Pie
adapted from my new favorite blogger the Pioneer Woman

25 whole oreos crushed
4 T melted butter
1/2 bag of melted milk chocolate chips

8oz cream cheese room temperature
1 cup creamy peanut butter
11/2 cup powdered sugar
8oz tub Cool Whip thawed

Crush the Oreos any which way you would like.  First I used the food processor and the second time just a ziplock and rolling pin.  I like the consistency of the food processor crumbs, but the surprise of a little extra oreo filling when you crudely crush them up is nice too.  Add the melted butter and mix well with a fork.
Press into a pie pan.  Here you also have an option.  The original suggests baking the crust at 350 for 5-7 minutes.  But if it is just too hot and you really need peanut butter pie like right now, you can skip this step.
My addition then is a thin layer of melted chocolate chips.  Once cool it really seems like the crispy chocolate on the outside of the peanut butter cup and it holds the crust together nicely.  Probably best to let it cool here before adding the filling.  But both times I made it I had no time for such things and it all turned out.

For the filling, easy.  I used a stand mixer to whip the cream cheese and peanut butter.  Then add the powdered sugar mixing well.  Finally just scoop in the Cool Whip and whip.  Could not be any easier.
The whole thing should cool in the fridge for about an hour- the longer the better, the challenge is waiting!

And this is Avocado and Beer.  So to balance out the decadent dessert (well just a little anyway), we had simple grilled chicken sandwiches with arugula mayonnaise and Watermelon Arugula Salad.  For some reason one day I just thought to myself... mmm watermelon and feta cheese.  I don't know why, maybe a commercial or divine intervention?  But in any case I discovered a new wonderful world of fruit.  The savory salad.

 Watermelon Arugula Salad

1/2 seedless watermelon cut into smallish blocks
Arugula to your liking
Crumbled feta

Juice of one lemon
1 T honey
kosher salt and ground pepper to taste
Whisk in 1-2 T olive oil

Mix all together and you have a salad.  The arugula is a little peppery, the feta a little salty, and the watermelon slightly sweet.  We have a winner!  Very summery and easy.

 Week in Preview
Sunday:  All of the above!
Monday:  Homemade pizza with a nice big salad of CSA greens
Tuesday:  Spaghetti with turkey burger meatballs
Wednesday:  Grilled flank steak and summer squash

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