Saturday, July 13, 2013

Pineapple Mango Mint Fruit Salsa and Grilled Salmon

I live in Wisconsin.  I have come to terms with the fact that things like fresh pineapples and mangos are not my reality.  These for instance, do not show up in my CSA share.  So I don't use them often.  But this week the crops must be booming somewhere because both were startlingly cheap, so I had to take some off their hands.  After buying half a cart full of tropical fruit I have chosen to do a tour de fruit salsa.  We started with a Pineapple Mango Mint version that tasted so good with our grilled salmon.

Mangos and I used to not get along.  Every which way I cut it seemed that I ran into the pit.  I tried peeling it first and ended up with a slippery orb that landed on the floor.  I tried slicing just thin bits and got no mango at all.  In the end I have found that it is best to hold the  mango in your hand and picture the oblong pit running through the middle and pushing out the "front and back" of the fruit.  Then slice down either side of the pit, you will be taking off the skinny sides, hold a mango and you will see what I mean.

From here it gets real fancy.  I use a paring knife to make a lattice and then pop out the little squares.  Very impressive if you have someone around to see the trick.

Pineapple Mango Mint Fruit Salsa for fish
adapted from Cooks Country
1 mango diced
1/2 fresh pineapple diced
1 jalapeno, seeds and ribs removed and diced
2 T chopped mint leaves
3 T fresh lime juice
Salt and Pepper to taste
2 T olive oil

Mix all together and let sit at room temperature for 15 minutes.

Top your favorite grilled fish.  Next fruit salsa will be Pineapple Avocado Fruit Salsa with pork chops, can't wait!

Week in Preview
Sunday:  Allie turns four this week!  She is my picky eater.  When I tried to think of her favorite food, I actually couldn't think of one.  So I asked her.  She said hummus and chips.  Of course!  This really is her favorite.  I'll buy the one she loves at the store, but I have been meaning to give homemade hummus a try too.  We'll have it with grilled chicken sandwiches, fruit salad, and a butterfly cake.
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday:  I will prep a 9x13 pan of Shepherd's Pie for the work week.  We will mix it up with salad and other sides, but nice to have the ol' meat and potato part taken care of.
Thursday:  Lucky me!  It is my birthday next week too, so I get to have L'etoile.  My ultimate most wonderful favorite restaurant!
Friday:  Pork chop with pineapple avocado salsa

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