Saturday, January 18, 2014

Parmesan two pepper kale chips

Along the way to perfecting a kale chip recipe I found the first recipe that my seven year old can make virtually on her own.  I even asked her to write the narrative for the recipe and she got it just right.  Making kale chips is the perfect kid activity.  Nothing has to be perfectly measured and prep doesn't require a knife.  I just take care of the oven part.  And we usually do two separate trays.  She likes just salt and pepper with a pinch of cayenne.  I do the same and add a dusting of parmesan.  Either way they are surprisingly good and make it hard to stop eating your vegetables.

Olive oil
Cayenne pepper
Ground parmesan

Making kale chips is as easy as 123 (by Ruby age 7)
First you need kale.  Second there is a strip right down the middle that is too stringy.  You don't eat that part.  Use your hands to strip the kale into medium sized pieces.  You would like them big because it will shrink in the oven.  Once you have them stripped you get them wet to clean them.  Then dry it in a salad spinner.  Get ready to be messy.  Put oil on top of the kale and mix it up with your hands (that is why you get messy).  Do it until the kale is shiny.  Put a pinch of cayenne pepper, black pepper, and salt and mix with your hands again.  Your hands will be salty and peppery.  Once you mix them put them on a cookie sheet (or tray).  You might need a second cookie sheet or tray.  Once they are on the one or two trays, put them in the oven for about 20 minutes.  It will look like regular kale, but it is delicious and a great side dish for any meal.

A few words from mom
Peeling the leaves off the stem is the perfect kid activity.
Wash and then dry REALLY well.  I use a salad spinner.  It would be hard to get them dry enough without one.
Use just enough olive oil that all the leaves are shiny.

Add your favorite spices.  I like ground parmesan (like the kind you put on pizza), black pepper, and cayenne pepper.  If you use ground parmesan it distributes well and disappears, I think shredded parmesan would make it a bit goopy instead of crunchy.  You could do lemon pepper or dry ranch mix.  Just about anything.  But keep in mind these things will shrink as they dehydrate so you do not need much.  Just a pinch or so for a regular sized cookie sheet will work.

Here is a photo of too much kale on a cookie sheet!  They do shrink, but need enough room to be touching but not overlapping when you start.
I used a 300 degree oven and checked them around 15 and 20 minutes.

The weekly meal plan

Sunday and Monday:  Mexican tortilla casserole with guacamole
Tuesday:  BBQ chicken naan with roasted spicy cauliflower.  I'll use left over chicken from Sunday.
Wednesday:  Chili
Thursday:  One skillet sausage kale and pasta
Friday:  Crunchy cod with fries and broccoli

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