Friday, May 31, 2013

Breakfast Pizza and Salmon Salad, two new week night favorites

I could have also called this goat cheese and arugula two different ways and it would be the truth.  What do you do with a giant log of goat cheese and a big tub of arugula?  There are probably a million answers to that question.  I chose to make breakfast pizza with goat cheese, cherub tomatoes, and arugula piled on top and then salmon on arugula with raspberry vinaigrette and goat cheese.

Arugula is unique.  You wouldn't expect a vegetable would taste peppery, but arugula does.  This is why I love it so much, just when you can't tolerate another romaine salad- switch it up and buy arugula.

Night one I knew was breakfast pizza.  But I wanted a somewhat sophisticated breakfast pizza if that was possible.  I did my research and settled on a mish mash from Smitten Kitchen and Inspired Taste.

Store bought pizza dough.  I like the kind that the store actually makes over the kind that pops out of a can.
Olive oil to brush the dough
Kosher salt
Fresh cracked pepper
Lemon zest
Goat cheese
Cherub or cherry tomatoes
Three eggs

Preheat the oven to 500
Start by prepping the dough.  First let it come to room temperature, about 30 minutes.  Then stretch it out to your desired size.  Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with the salt, pepper, and lemon zest. * The lemon zest really adds to it.
Top with dabs of goat cheese and the tomatoes.
Bake for 5 minutes
Remove from oven and slide on three eggs.  Return to the oven for about 7-10 minutes until the eggs are cooked to your liking.
I then topped mine with a few bacon pieces and the arugula.

And since it was breakfast for dinner, and since Sid the Science Kid had an episode about pancakes....

Dessert was chocolate chip pancakes with real whipped cream and strawberries.

And for the next night, that arugula and goat cheese was calling me, so I made a game time decision to make a Grilled Salmon Salad.  This was so easy, not just to make, but also just as important- it was easy to clean up.  I even had time to blog!

Start the grill on high for 10 -15 minutes.  Dry the salmon with paper towels and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Reduce heat to medium and grill for 5-6 minutes on both sides- depends a bit on your grill.
While that is cooking rinse the arugula- I think this helps remove whatever residue remains after the "Triple Wash" that they promise.
Just top the arugula with the salmon, drizzle with the best store bought raspberry vinaigrette you can find and add goat cheese and raspberries.

This was so great even the girls asked for more of the dressing and arugula.  They aren't convinced about the goat cheese- but that is ok, more for me.

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