Sunday, March 24, 2013

My very own Country Club Melt. "Jackpot" says my husband.

I don't exactly frequent Perkins, we usually go once a year on the way back from our annual Packer game.  But on that occasion, a Country Club Melt hits the spot.  Been outside in the cold all day?  Nothing tastes better!  I haven't made one at home, but after that Reuben last week I am in the mood for toasty sandwiches.

I started with making two turkey breasts in the slow cooker.  That way Monday night dinner is made too.  I took off the skin and brushed the breasts with olive oil.  Then I combined garlic, paprika, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper to rub over them.  Add 1/2 cup water and cook for about 5 hours.

As for the sandwich I piled American cheese, turkey, a bit of bacon, and tomato on buttered sourdough. I toasted it on my griddle.  Added some baked french fries and my easiest veggie side (carrots, cucumber, and green pepper slices) and dinner is done!  Don't forget the 1,000 Island for dipping though, must have that.

And how close was it to the original?  Close, maybe even better... all Dave said was "Jackpot".

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