Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chicken in lemon cream sauce with gobetti

The Caesar salad last night was great and it gets even better tonight because I used the left over chicken to make a pasta dish.    It all started with finding a new pasta shape at Target.  I admit it... I was loitering, just spending a little quiet time wandering the isles.  I suspect there were others there doing the same thing as we ran into each other criss crossing the store.  I especially like to find a new food treasure like the Chuao milk chocolate potato chip candy bar mmmmmm.  But I digress... this time I found gobetti. 

I would describe gobetti as a plumped up elbow pasta noodle.  Nice with a thin sauce that sneaks into the middle.

The recipe on the box sounded intriguing too, so to keep it simple, I went with that.  I tweaked it just a bit and wilted a bag of baby spinach into the sauce.  An easy way to make it a one dish meal.  I liked it so much that I was fishing out all the sauce soaked spinach during dinner.

Chicken in Lemon Cream with Gobetti

Cook gobetti according to the package 

I used four pre-cooked chicken breasts seasoned with salt and pepper and chopped them into bite size pieces

Combine and simmer the sauce for 10 minutes;
11/2 cup chicken broth
1 cup heavy cream
zest of one lemon
pinch of cayenne pepper

Add one bag of baby spinach and allow to wilt

Combine the pasta, chicken, sauce, 1 T lemon juice and add salt and pepper to taste.

**And the verdict... well it was good, but not binder worthy.  I ended up dousing it with lemon pepper to add some taste and all that heavy cream was well... heavy.  I think Giada sacrificed flavor for ease.  Oh well, worth it for the spinach!

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